lab1: 断, 都可以断


现在我们要在最小可执行内核的基础上, 支持中断机制, 并且用时钟中断来检验我们的中断处理系统。





  • 编写相应的中断处理代码

  • 在启动中正确设置控制寄存器

  • CPU捕获异常

  • 控制转交给相应中断处理代码进行处理

  • 返回正在运行的程序



The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: Unprivileged ISA (Document Version 20191213)


We use the term exception to refer to an unusual condition occurring at run time associated with an instruction in the current RISC-V hart.

We use the term interrupt to refer to an external asynchronous event that may cause a RISC-V hart to experience an unexpected transfer of control. We use the term trap to refer to the transfer of control to a trap handler caused by either an exception or an interrupt.


除了32个通用寄存器之外,RISCV架构还有大量的 控制状态寄存器 Control and Status Registers(CSRs)。其中有几个重要的寄存器和中断机制有关。

有些时候,禁止CPU产生中断很有用。(就像你在做重要的事情,如操作系统lab的时候,并不想被打断)。所以,sstatus寄存器(Supervisor Status Register)里面有一个二进制位SIE(supervisor interrupt enable,在RISCV标准里是2^1 对应的二进制位),数值为0的时候,如果当程序在S态运行,将禁用全部中断。(对于在U态运行的程序,SIE这个二进制位的数值没有任何意义),sstatus还有一个二进制位UIE(user interrupt enable)可以在置零的时候禁止用户态程序产生中断。

在中断产生后,应该有个中断处理程序来处理中断。CPU怎么知道中断处理程序在哪?实际上,RISCV架构有个CSR叫做stvec(Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Register),即所谓的”中断向量表基址”。中断向量表的作用就是把不同种类的中断映射到对应的中断处理程序。如果只有一个中断处理程序,那么可以让stvec直接指向那个中断处理程序的地址。


​ 扩展

在旧版本的RISCV privileged ISA标准中(1.9.1及以前),RISCV不支持中断向量表,用最后两位数编码一个模式是1.10版本加入的。可以思考一下这个改动如何保证了后向兼容。历史版本的ISA手册

1.9.1版本的RISCV privileged architecture手册:

4.1.3 Supervisor Trap Vector Base Address Register (stvec) The stvec register is an XLEN-bit read/write register that holds the base address of the S-mode trap vector. When an exception occurs, the pc is set to stvec. The stvec register is always aligned to a 4-byte boundary

当我们触发中断进入 S 态进行处理时,以下寄存器会被硬件自动设置,将一些信息提供给中断处理程序:

sepc(supervisor exception program counter),它会记录触发中断的那条指令的地址;


stval,它会记录一些中断处理所需要的辅助信息,比如指令获取(instruction fetch)、访存、缺页异常,它会把发生问题的目标地址或者出错的指令记录下来,这样我们在中断处理程序中就知道处理目标了。


The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture

(Document Version 20190608-Priv-MSU-Ratified)

4.1.1 Supervisor Status Register (sstatus)

The SIE bit enables or disables all interrupts in supervisor mode. When SIE is clear, interrupts are not taken while in supervisor mode. When the hart is running in user-mode, the value in SIE is ignored, and supervisor-level interrupts are enabled. The supervisor can disable individual interrupt sources using the sie CSR. The SPIE bit indicates whether supervisor interrupts were enabled prior to trapping into supervisor mode. When a trap is taken into supervisor mode, SPIE is set to SIE, and SIE is set to 0. When an SRET instruction is executed, SIE is set to SPIE, then SPIE is set to 1. The UIE bit enables or disables user-mode interrupts. User-level interrupts are enabled only if UIE is set and the hart is running in user-mode. The UPIE bit indicates whether user-level interrupts were enabled prior to taking a user-level trap. When a URET instruction is executed, UIE is set to UPIE, and UPIE is set to 1. User-level interrupts are optional. If omitted, the UIE and UPIE bits are hardwired to zero.

4.1.9 Supervisor Exception Program Counter (sepc)

When a trap is taken into S-mode, sepc is written with the virtual address of the instruction that was interrupted or that encountered the exception. Otherwise, sepc is never written by the implementation, though it may be explicitly written by software.

4.1.10 Supervisor Cause Register (scause)

When a trap is taken into S-mode, scause is written with a code indicating the event that caused the trap. Otherwise, scause is never written by the implementation, though it may be explicitly written by software.

4.1.11 Supervisor Trap Value (stval) Register

When a trap is taken into S-mode, stval is written with exception-specific information to assist software in handling the trap. Otherwise, stval is never written by the implementation, though it may be explicitly written by software. The hardware platform will specify which exceptions must set stval informatively and which may unconditionally set it to zero. When a hardware breakpoint is triggered, or an instruction-fetch, load, or store address-misaligned, access, or page-fault exception occurs, stval is written with the faulting virtual address. On an illegal instruction trap, stval may be written with the first XLEN or ILEN bits of the faulting instruction as described below. For other exceptions, stval is set to zero, but a future standard may redefine stval’s setting for other exceptions.



ecall(environment call),当我们在 S 态执行这条指令时,会触发一个 ecall-from-s-mode-exception,从而进入 M 模式中的中断处理流程(如设置定时器等);当我们在 U 态执行这条指令时,会触发一个 ecall-from-u-mode-exception,从而进入 S 模式中的中断处理流程(常用来进行系统调用)。

sret,用于 S 态中断返回到 U 态,实际作用为pc←sepc,回顾sepc定义,返回到通过中断进入 S 态之前的地址。

ebreak(environment break),执行这条指令会触发一个断点中断从而进入中断处理流程。

mret,用于 M 态中断返回到 S 态或 U 态,实际作用为pc←mepc,回顾sepc定义,返回到通过中断进入 M 态之前的地址。(一般不用涉及)

